“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” The activity of making a story was done by the students of Grade one of Darshan Academy Amritsar in which some characters and objects  were given to the children. Students used their creativity and 
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Internal Workshop on Demonstration Lesson, Mediation and Video Sat sang of Maharaj Ji was given by our Nursery Teacher Miss Richa on 1-June, 2021.
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Internal Workshop on Using Teaching Resources to make learning more productive and improve the fine motor skills and gross motor skills of small children was taken by Nursery Teacher Miss Kanika Arora on 2-June-2021. 
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Internal Workshop on Teaching Methodology for all kinds of learners such as Auditory Learners, Visual Learners and Kinaesthetic Learners was taken by the Coordinator Miss Vani Khanna on 3-June,2021. 
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National Workshop on Spiritual Curriculum and Teaching Tips was scheduled on 28-May, 2021 by Dr Indu Arneja in which she gave valuable inputs to become an inspiration for their students, stress management and create a healthy atmosphere in the school and appreciating the learners even 
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National Workshop for Teacher Trainers on Spiritual Curriculum was organised on 12-June, 2021 in which different sessions such as New Spiritual Curriculum Books, Thinking Strategies, A Healthy and Vegetarian Lifestyle, Sample of Spiritual Curricular Activities by other Academies were taken at the head office level.
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Students of UKG, LKG and first grade of Darshan Academy, Amritsar start their day with hands-on learning during their online classes, which helps them develop fine motor skills while learning concepts more effectively.
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To help them recognise the colour yellow students of Darshan Academy, Amritsar celebrated the yellow day with great enthusiasm. They dressed up in yellow attire and played with yellow-coloured toys.  
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" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj