“Experience the Inner You in 2022” Inspiring Message by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj for 2022

New Year’s Address by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

On the dawn of a new year, tens of thousands around the world joyfully tuned into the web broadcast of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. In his new year’s address, the spiritual Master and founder chairman of Darshan Education Foundation congratulated everyone on the occasion and shared his best wishes for the year ahead. He also expounded on the inspiring slogan he had coined for 2022: Experience the Inner You in 2022. 

Why is it important that we experience our inner self, he asked? We see ourselves as the body and focus our lives on caring for and nurturing the body, unaware of the true purpose of our lives. In truth, we are soul, the power that enlivens the body. When we experience, recognize, and realize our inner self, we find that our lives are filled with happiness, peace, love, and bliss.

When we meditate, we tap into a reservoir of peace and stillness that equips us with all that is needed to remain happy despite our ever-changing outer circumstances. The ripple effect of the peace and joy we experience spreads to everyone we meet. The more we progress within, the more peace and happiness we experience, and the more peace and happiness we spread. As we begin to embody the characteristics of our soul, we undergo a personal transformation that renders us more loving, compassionate, nonviolent, and selfless. Through meditation, we can experience our inner self and bring love, Light, and joy into this world.


" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj