Darshan Education Foundation National Workshop for Pre-primary Coordinators and Teachers

A two-day online national workshop for pre-primary coordinators and teachers of all Darshan Academies and Vidyalayas was organised on August 20 and 21, 2021, by Darshan Education Foundation. An uplifting video talk by DEF Founder Chairman, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj began each day’s session along with meditation. Education officers, Dr SP Thakur and Dr S S Khokhar welcomed the participants with their keynote addresses.  

Mr Lal conducted the first session on the new NEP 2020, foundational literacy and numeracy approaches, apprising the members of various government initiatives like Nipun Bharat and Vidya Pravesh. A discussion was led by Ms Talwar on developing school readiness and shared innovative ideas of improving reading and writing skills in early years. Ms Anand held an informative session on pedagogical approaches in light of the National Education Policy 2021 and emphasized experiential learning through first-hand experiences. 

DA teachers from around India showcased their inspiring viewpoints and best practices regarding innovative teaching on both days. The systematic usage of activity room material was presented beautifully by a team of teachers from DA Delhi. 

Ms Rana conducted an ice breaker activity and talked about the ARCS Model, aiming to capture the role of a teacher in motivating a student. Ms Suzanne conducted an excellent session on inner and outer peace. She discussed the importance of the spiritual curriculum, its scope and sequence and how it can be taught and implemented.  

The workshop ended with different academies presenting their positive impressions of the workshop. The valedictory session was graced by Darshan Education Foundation’s president, Mr AK Sachdeva who gave an inspiring talk on his vision of quality education. The workshop was a success and an enriching experience for all.  


" Rather than share with others a piece of your mind, share the peace of your soul."
- Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj